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Book with Us Now! 512-238-1975  
[email protected]

Waggin Tails Mobile Pet Grooming

Waggin Tails Mobile Pet Grooming

Waggin Tails Mobile Pet Grooming

Inside the Mobile Pet Spa

Waggin Tails Mobile Pet Grooming

Temperature Controlled Bath

Waggin Tails Mobile Pet Grooming

Clean Weenie Dog

Waggin Tails Mobile Pet Grooming

Let's Look Inside

Waggin Tails Mobile Pet Grooming Service Comes to you

As dedicated dog groomers, we incorporated mobile pet grooming calming attributes like the fact We Come To You for all mobile pet grooming needs, (Also calming to the owners); a state of the art power inversion system providing the dog groomer and the animal quiet during grooming so the only sounds are the humm of our whisper quiet dog groomer clippers, the snip, snip of scissors; the selected sounds from our mobile pet grooming sound machine; a constant 100º bath, hypoallergenic and skin soothing washes, rinses, detanglers etc., a wonderful warm, multidirectional cage dryer and lots of great smells; and when nice to the dog groomer, an old school jerky treat.

If you have a special toy, treat or other comfort of home, please feel free to share it with the dog groomer and we will incorporate it in to the mobile pet grooming experience. All of these dog groomer techniques help familiarize the mobile pet grooming process and decrease any associated dog groomer anxiety. With each subsequent mobile pet grooming, waggin tails mobile pet grooming will build on prior techniques that provided confidence and calmness. As the owners of two dogs and two cats, (all rescue pets), all requiring continual grooming, our mobile pet grooming philosophies are basically two: A calm animal will respond to the full spa mobile pet grooming experience more favorably than an anxious one....and...A well-groomed, well-manicured, well cared for pet will feel better, be generally healthier, and exhibit more energy and SWAGGER! (See dog groomer Glamour Shots).

Waggin Tails Mobile Pet Grooming

Even some of our Grandma/paw pets with arthritis, skin conditions, and a wide array of health issues often respond very favorably to mobile pet grooming in part because we come to you and the elderly pet doesn't have to endure the whole load in the car, hurry up and wait, one size fits all dog groomer experience. We occasionally get calls from our clients after their mobile pet grooming experience, telling us that their dog or cat is acting totally invigorated - which, we believe is the difference between the dog groomer hurry and wait and the spa experience (and the fact that we'll groom cats, rabbits, and even potbellied pigs!).

There are great pet spas out there, but We Come To You. The single most important benefit to the wellbeing of your pet is the fact that We Come To You; and your pets will be in familiar surroundings, with a familiar dog groomer and will not be stressed out; causing a possible decrease in their immune system while potentially being exposed to an ill pet at the dog groomer who has several pets waiting on grooming or in a large room full of pets in the process of being groomed or in to see the Vet only. Because we are small, it is easy to keep our mobile pet grooming spa sanitized and we welcome your inspection and invite you to be in your Pet's Glamour Shot. Before you call the big box dog groomer, not knowing who will groom your pet, check us out 512-238-1975.